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Barry Hoffman Nazi Postcard Collection

NSFK Model Airplane Exhibition

Accession Number: 2022.

Artist: K.Lorenz

Stamp: Stamp Number DE 419, Yvert et Tellier DR 487, Stanley Gibbons DR 497B, AFA number DR 511, Unificato DR 487

Postmark: Red circle with the NSFK emblem in the center with the date 1938. Arched at the top of the circle says, “reichswettbewerb für saalflugmodelle” or Reich Competition for Saloon Model Flights. To the right is a black circular postmark with the NSFK emblem. Unlike the red circular postmark, the one in black is in reference to the Reich Competition for Saloon Model Flights happening in Frankfurt am Main on November 26-27 in 1938.

Historical background: The national socialist flying corp (NSFK) was founded in April 1937 as a paramilitary organization. The organization provided pre-military air service training to younger generations. The goal of the NSFK was to train younger generations for the main Luftwaffe, military air force, through pre-military training in all aspects of aviation as well as teaching Nazi ideologies. Involvement with the NSFK was voluntary unlike the aviation Hitler Youth.

[Front]Frankfurt model airplane exhibition


Back of postcard


The front of the postcard features a NSFK member in uniform holding a model airplane. The uniform has the red swastika arm band. Three badges are pinned to the left pocket. Above the man in red it reads “ 1.reichswettbewerb für saalflugmodelle des ns- fliegerkorps” or 1st Reich Competition for Saloon Model Flights of the Nazi Aviation Corps. At the bottom of the postcard, it says Frankfurt a/main, 27. November 1938​​, “messe u.ausstellungshallen” or trade fair and exhibition halls. The bottom right corner is the NSFK’s Icarus symbol of a boy with wings with the swastika at his feet and NSFK in an arch above his head.


The back the post card is unwritten on. There are two postmarks for the NSFK as well as one for the NSFK Model Airplane exhibition.