Version 19.0.8 Update Details
LANDSAT resolves issue using flag value with mulitply.
Run Macro new error checking for parameter variables.
WINDOW resolves issues running many simultaneous operations.
Digitize new features to the update mode, see the Help for more details.
FUZZY now recognizes background values to exclude.
RECLASS now recognizes background value using Equal Interval option, and a new Geometric Interval option.
Hotkeys new hotke to toggle vector layer.
EXTRACT better ability to work with very large images.
ROC new support for Macro Modeler and for very large images.
DISTANCE new option to apply an output mask.
EOT resolves issue with interger input files and charting of the results.
LOGISTICREG resloves issue with large images.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Version 19.0.7 Update Details
OVERLAY full support for Landsat 9 import.
Hot Keys new hot keys to support zoom functions and TerrSet Explorer.
Image Calclulator allows for concurrent runs.
LOGISTICREG resolved error with creation of residual files.
SUBSAMPLE new option for minimum sample size.
DESEASON increased significant figures for more precise calculations.
MOLA enhanced progress reporting.
Display new option to create vector file from legend display.
Coastal Vulnerability (ESM) increased support for larger files.
WINDOW enhanced support for RGB24 data.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Map Grid, Pit Removal, Sediment, Sediment Retention, AREA, Vector Layer Display, LCM, TAGGREGATE (ETM), REGRESS, MOSAIC
Version 19.0.6 Update Details
ESM-Habitat Risk Assessment fixed metadata file on output when run.
EXTRACT resolved error with background values.
Composite resolved error with the linear with saturation option when input files were integer and real.
SHAPEIDR resolved issue documenting .prj file with latlong files on export.
SIGCOMP now runs correctly within MacroModeler
MOLA improved performance when running from macro mode.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Project, Composer, ETM, Installation, Display
Version 19.0.5 Update Details
MOLA added a check to ensure file dimensions are the same across inputs.
MLP increased precision on the output X and Y coordinates on the outputs.
TASSCAP can now process extremely large files.
JACCARD now allows for a mixture of file types.
REGRESS resolved issue when using two monitors and dialog shows off-screen.
GDAL Utility added support for additional reference systems.
PROJECT now supports projection of XYZ text files and correspondence files.
CONTRACT output file now inherits the background value from the input file.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Display, Installation, Digitize
Version 19.0.4 Update Details
MOLA a fix for single-objective allocation.
License Manager a fix to the sporadic deactivation of clients from the server.
Version 19.0.3 Update Details
LANDSAT added support for ARD format and other enhancements.
GEOTIFF added support for ARD format and compressed files.
Display added drag and drop of TerrSet raster and vector files to the application.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Version 19.0.2 Update Details
Image Calculator resolved issue with logic AND operation.
HISTO resolved multiple issues.
PROJECT resolved issue with flag values using bilinear interpolation.
Version 19.0.1 Update Details
Digitize fixed issue digitizing new features.
Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (IUCN) 1. added a new feature to extract and merge by genus and family, 2. support for large integer species IDs.
Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (Biodiversity) 1. streamlined the dialog box when specifying output parameters, 2. increased the efficiency when creating the RRI output.
Local Affine can now automatically create a correspondence file from a companion latlong file.
MLP added a softmax fuzzification option for the activation layer soft outputs.
ETM Preprocess 1. added mean, minimum, and maximum options for filling missing data, 2. added option to keep the climatology images produced when filling missing data, 3. daily data now recognizes leap years.
ETM MSSA now creates an RGF of the lags for each component.
LCM 1. greatly enhanced LCM’s ability to handle extremely large files, 2. spatial trend analysis now recognizes background values.
RasterVector polygon rasterization now has the option to recognize parts of features that are off-center at the pixel-level.
Markov 1. resolved issue not recognizing background values, 2. resolved calculation for relative frequency when a background value is specified.
Toprank optimized for very large files.
Additional Revisions and Enhancements
Belief, ERRMAT, Spatial Decision Modeler, GeoTiff, MOLA, STRETCH, LOGISTICREG, ASSIGN