DSCI 105
POPApplied Data Analytics
An investigation into the fundamental techniques and practices of data analysis, this course focuses on applying tools and techniques to practical problems of analysis, visualization, and discovery.
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Information is everywhere. Our increasingly global and digitized world produces huge amounts of data, and understanding it is essential to all organizations, whether they are in the public, private, or nonprofit arenas. Data science and analytics help organizations harness their data and use it to discover knowledge, identify opportunities, and develop solutions, ultimately leading to smarter policies, more efficient and equitable practices, better services, and more inclusive societies.
Leading to a bachelor of arts degree, data science at Clark is an interdisciplinary major with courses taught by faculty from computer science, economics, geography, management, and mathematics. Students learn approaches and techniques that are widely applied to quantitative analyses in almost every discipline, with particular relevance to Clark’s academic programs in computer science, mathematics, geographic information science (GIS), economics, business analytics, environmental science and policy, international development, biology, chemistry, and physics.
Curriculum update
Effective fall 2025, Clark will recognize this course of study by awarding a Bachelor of Science in Data Science. Students graduating before then will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts. Contact your academic advisor for details.
Data Science
As a data science major, you’ll learn how to formulate problems; design data collection strategies; process, analyze, and extract information from data; and use that information to make sound decisions. You’ll also become familiar with the social and ethical issues surrounding data science, and the code of conduct observed by data science professionals.
Fourteen courses are required to complete the major, which offers five tracks of study: computer science, economics, geography/GIS, management, and mathematics.
As a data science major, you also will complete a capstone, which draws on all you’ve learned during your time at Clark. Your capstone may be in the form of a 200-level course (counted toward your 14-unit major requirements) or another approved activity.