Our program is designed for you to conduct hands-on research that connects you directly with organizations you’re passionate about. You will develop understanding and insight, design new approaches, and implement creative solutions to complex problems. This learning-by-doing approach addresses the social, political, cultural, economic technological and ecological contexts of environment-development problems.
You engage in fieldwork led by faculty on the forefront of change:
- Partner with towns in Massachusetts to investigate topics such as how environmental pollution impacts the health of the population, especially children.
- Join an effort to make food production and consumption more sustainable in Worcester County.
- Engage in Clark’s partnership with SolarFlair in Charlton, Mass.
- Assist efforts through the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise and the George Perkins Marsh Institute, the latter internationally recognized for its work on sustainability science and environmental risk and hazards.
- Connect with the alumni-run Community Development Training Institute, a nonprofit community development consulting firm.