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Concentration in Law and Society

Why Study Law and Society?

‘The adhesive force in the cement of society’

Several months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy used these words to describe the importance of law in a civilized society. He understood that governing bodies — from local municipalities to international courts of law — create laws and legal systems to regulate and balance the actions of individuals and organizations. Whether or not we’re aware of it, the law reaches into every facet of our lives, from the day we are born to the day we die. And while we expect the law to be fair and impartial, it can, like so many human constructs, be used for good or ill.

As a student in the law and society concentration, you’ll examine — from multiple perspectives — the effects on society of law, legal institutions, and legal actors like lawyers and judges. You’ll also explore the identification and analysis of legal arguments in different contexts, and have an opportunity to hone your own oral advocacy skills. You can complement your interest in law and society by participating in Clark’s award-winning Intercollegiate Mock Trial Team and/or the pre-law advising program.

While you can combine this concentration with any major, it’s an especially good complement to majors in history, management, philosophy, political science, and sociology. By placing law in the context of a broad liberal arts education, this program is of interest to a wide variety of students, whether or not they plan to attend law school.

Minimum number of courses to complete this concentration: 6

Hands-On Learning

As a complement to this concentration, you can engage in a variety of related experiential learning opportunities, including internships, study abroad, and research.


A foundation in law and society is an asset to those seeking careers in such fields as law, government, policy, and business.


Professor Robert Boatright    1-508-793-7632
Professor Nina Kushner    1-508-421-3797