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Professors looking over books for Urban Economic Geography

Economic Geography journalClark University’s Graduate School of Geography is one of the only geography programs in North America to publish an international, peer-reviewed journal, Economic Geography. The journal is committed to publishing the best theoretically based empirical articles that deepen the understanding of significant economic geography issues around the world. Economic Geography ranked No. 2 among geography and economic journals in the 2021 ISI Social Sciences Citation Index, with an impact factor of 14.921.

Visit the journal’s website to learn more

Founded by and based at Clark University since 1925, Economic Geography is an internationally renowned, peer-reviewed journal that is consistently ranked in the top tier of geography journals in the ISI Social Sciences Citation Index. The journal’s editorial team is committed to publishing original research that makes leading-edge advances within and beyond human geography, contributing significantly to scholarship in fields such as economics, development studies, management studies, and sociology.

We publish high-quality work that is theoretically rich and informed by empirical evidence that deepens our understandings of the geographical drivers and implications of economic processes, broadly considered. Economic Geography welcomes submissions that focus on a wide range of topics, deploy primary evidence in support of theoretically significant interventions, and contribute key insights regarding pressing economic, social, development, and environmental questions and challenges.

The journal also plays a central role in supporting and advancing the field of economic geography globally. Professor Jim Murphy is the editor-in-chief and Hilary Laraba is the managing editor.

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Graduate School of Geography

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    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7336
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